after finally receiving an update on my parents extremely busy lives, i realized that i had forgotten that it is summer for all of you too - - - which means that we're all on holiday!
happy summer! we just spent the day biking around the rice paddies of ubud, an inland town in bali. afterwards we sat on the egde of the local soccer field and watched the bali finals. only a couple fights broke out - nothing too serious.
we're a bit unsure what to do with our last few weeks - there are so many islands (17,500 of them!), so little time!
here's a few images to whet your interest . . .

the carving below we saw at the famous borobudur temple on java, just outside of yogyakarta. the temple is from the year 800. it's the oldest structure i've climbed on.

here's a close up of shadow puppets - sondre and i saw a performance in yogyakarta. one man controls all the puppets, backed by a gamelan orchestra.

gamelan is traditional indonesian music, but it is still alive and well and you hear it everywhere. it's my new favorite sound.
this website has some gamelan music for your ipod:
and this one lets you play:
okay . . . enough schooling for one day. bye for now!